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An event in LTS Centre
  • Event Date: 20-Jul-2024
  • Updated On: 26-Jul-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 3
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Description: On the 20th of July,2024 six LTSers from classes 10,11 and 12 went to the LTS centre in Park Circus for the closing ceremony of the event 'Back to Green 2024',an awareness drive for the conservation of plants and trees.The event started at 9:30 am and ended at 2 pm after lunch.A number of events took place that helped us to interact with new people and expand our comfort zone.For the first event,we were given a list of few questions related to Van Mahotsav and were supposed to ask those questions to the other students which helped us to interact with new people and make new friends.The participants were then taken to the backyard and divided in groups of three.Each group had to plant a sapling.For the last event,we sat with our groups and discussed the things that we learnt after attending the event. We would like to thank our Principal for giving us this amazing opportunity and the LTS teachers for their constant support and guidance. -Uzma Akhtar 10(1)
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