Our Mission & Motto

Our Mission

We, the Loreto Elliot Road family, believe in empowering and recognising the individuality of each child by achieving a fusion of social, cultural, religious and ethnic bonding, to make it a “School with a Heart.”

Our Motto


Loreto Day School was founded on the 10th of January 1956 by Mother S.M. Gertrude O' Keefe. This School is a Catholic Institution under the management of the Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters), founded by Mary Ward in the 17th century, she recognised the significance of education for women and the important it plays in Society.

In 1821, Teresa Ball established the first House of the Institution in Ireland and called it Loreto, the name by which all the subsequent foundations made from Ireland are still known. In 1841, Loreto Sisters under the leadership of Delphine Hart came to India. This Religious Order is now spread throughout the world and engages itself in a variety of activities, including the education of girls.

The School is recognised by the Education Department of the Government of West Bengal and is under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Anglo-Indian Board of West Bengal). It is affiliated to the Indian Council for Secondary Education (I.C.S.E) and ISC (Classes XI and XII).


Although the primary purpose is the education of Catholic girls, pupils of other faiths and denominations, irrespective of caste, creed or community are also accepted. The aim of the School is to give its pupils a sound moral development along with their intellectual, social and physical development.

This School sees the values of Integrity, Justice, Freedom and Love as essential to its educational thrust.

Parents who intend to have their children educated here would need to be convinced of the importance of these values and be prepared to make the necessary sacrifices in order to live by them.

The principal endeavour of our school is to cherish the most deprived of God's people and to enable them to take their place in society with dignity among other.

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