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Description: Mary ward week was held from 22-01-2015 to 30-01-2015. On the 22nd of January all the classes had assembly in their respective class. Class I – V saw a presentation on Mary ward’s life. From 27-01-2015 to 29-01-2015 special assemblies were held by classes III, IV & V. Sr. Mary D’Souza gave a small talk to the children which was based on Mary Ward’s life. An interactive session on child’s labour was conducted by Mrs. R. Ireland. The children participated well & enjoyed the session. Class I made book marks based on Mary Ward’s Maxims. Class II made posters related to maxims & life of Mary Ward. Class III made language & number work, work cards & information cards on important personalities of India. Classes IV & V made teacher made book on various subjects. All the teaching aids prepared by Classes III – V will be presented to Loreto Thakurpukur. Class IV wrote a paragraph on the following topic: which qualities of Mary Ward would you like to imbibe and why? A quiz on Mary Ward was organized by Mrs. R. D. Osta and Mrs. Khalko. The girls were well prepared and answered enthusiastically. Mary ward team stood first, C. V. Raman stood second and Kalpana Chawla group stood third. The Loreto Chorus was sung at the end of the quiz. The week ended with a mass which was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Gregory Monteiro. The various activities were a befitting tribute to our Fondress Mary Ward.
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