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Description: Today, on the 19th of March, 2021, we bid goodbye to two of our beloved teachers - Mrs. Quadra and Mrs. Daniyal. It was an honour for both of us to be able to host the programme. The programme started with a prayer service, as is the tradition of LER. It was then followed by a skit presented by the class 9s, which took us back to the school hours. All the memories we made with both the teachers came flooding back to us. Class 11s and 12s gave an amazing dance performance and some of our Junior school teachers who have been their students earlier also presented a line dance as a tribute to the duo. Dominic Sir’s melodious singing was the cherry on the top. The programme also included speeches given by other ex-teacher and students. We also heard some interesting stories about Mrs. Quadra and Mrs. Daniyal from our teachers – Mrs. J. Banerjee and Mrs. S. Ganguly respectively. The letter penned by the teachers fir the duo and 'Down Memory lane' video especially tugged at our heartstrings. The amazing programme made emotional. However, we hope Mrs. Daniyal and Mrs. Quadra enjoy a peaceful retired life . We also hope that through the programme we have been able to express our heartfelt gratitude to both the teachers for everything they have done for us. Mrs Quadra and Mrs Daniyal will sorely be missed . - Jinea Saha (9-1) - Aditi Roy (9-2) Bidding adieu is always difficult and when it a piece of you going away, the strings are all the more painful. Well, 19th March, was one such day when our thoughts, as colleagues centred around the two pillars of the senior staff room - Mrs, Quadra and Mrs, Daniyal. In such trying circumstances, any attempt seemed inadequate, especially if it is a farewell. We were in a dilema - an online or an offline programme? With children or without? Well, it was unanimously decided that it would be a hybrid one. So, in the midst of offline and online corrections , we set about our planning.. Bustling with ideas, various options and tools were explored. Every single staff joined in - be it decoration, food, prayer service, invite or the main programme. The behind the scenes action team were just as eager and prompt. With a meaningful prayer service, and invoking St Joseph, a beautiful dance by a teacher, Mrs R Kar with scripture readings from Holy Books and with soulful singing, yet again, by the same teacher added a personal touch to it. Definitely, it was out if the box thinking. We called upon 2 student representatives who took us through the programme after a melodious song sung by Mrs, Rocha and Mrs Andrews, called ' You've got a friend' ( by James Taylor). With the mood perfectly set, an online skit by the class IX students, a compilation of recorded dances by the Higher Secondary children, with Dominic 's medley of songs, both in Hindi and Bengali and a recorded Line dance by the junior School teachers, made it picture perfect. The audio messages by the present teachers and students , ex - colleagues and ex students made us feel emotional. The video compiled on both the teachers, 'Down Memory Lane' and a beautiful letter penned by the staff to the two teachers saw us sitting on the edge of the chair as tears welled up. The Principal addressed the two teachers in one voice, the anecdotes shared by Mrs Banerjee and Mrs Ganguly stood out.
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