Video Gallery

Description: Mrs. D'Souza's farewell programme was organized by the Junior school on 16th December,2015 in the Junior School stall. The programme started with a prayer dance performed by class IV and a prayer service by class I students-'The Seven Wonders of the World'. Classes Nursery and KG performed the Birdie Dance. The students of classes II and III thrilled the hearts of the audience by performing a ballet dance to an Italian number. The puppets of class IV tapped their feet in rhythm to an instrumental piece of music. Finally the students of class V(i) depicted Mrs.D.Souza's classroom scene. The students of class V(ii) enacted a Bengali poem by Sukumar Roy. The programme ended with 2 slide shows on the achievements and memorable moments of Mrs.D.Souza. The students and teachers of Junior school were filled with both emotions of joy and sorrow.
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