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Description: A panel discussion is designed to provide an opportunity for a group to hear several people knowledgeable about a specific issue or topic present information and discuss personal views. A panel discussion may help the audience further clarify and evaluate their positions regarding specific issues or topics being discussed and increase their understanding of the positions of others. Panel discussions at conferences are a useful way to trigger an exchange of viewpoints among experts, either with prepared statements or in response to questions from the audience. Because they involve on-the-spot interaction, they are more difficult to prepare for than presentations. Because they may involve divergence of viewpoints and possibly competition for speaking time, they are also more difficult to manage than the normal questions at the end of a presentation. For the same reasons, they are more challenging to moderate than a regular conference session. Panels are teams. Whether or not panelists agree on all issues, they can and should work together to create an interesting discussion for the audience. Panel Discussion was held in Loreto Day School, Elliot Road on 16th of August, 2014 where students and teachers dealt with a detailed discussion regarding the topic "WHAT FREEDOM MEANS TO YOU". They exchanged their views and put forward some ideas about freedomness.
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